DeliwiAI launch & usage guides

Welcome! On this page, you'll find all guide videos to help you get the most out of DeliwiAI app.

DeliwiAI launch & usage guide video’s content:

Launch & usage:
Watch the full video that guides you step by step through the service launch and usage process:
Watch video: Full launch & usage guide
Admin guides:
Admin invitation & profile setup process
Watch video: Admin profile setup process
Admin launches DeliwiAI by inviting users:
Watch video: Invite users
User management for admins.
Watch video: User management
User guides:
User invitation, first-time login and user profile setup:
Watch video: User profile setup
AI Search:
How to make a AI search with DeliwiAI?
Watch video: AI search with DeliwiAI
Guides for skill analysis (Admin feature):

DeliwiAI launch & usage guide

Admin is invited to the service after installation

Admin launches DeliwiAI by inviting users

User management for admins

Users are invited to DeliwiAI and start filling in their TalentCard

Admin feature: Run a skill analysis

Admin feature: Run a skill survey