DeliwiAI - Now available!

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Get it from Microsoft Marketplace
who can buy

Who is DeliwiAI suitable for?

For all sizes of organizations that operate within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.

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How to buy and install DeliwiAI?

The platform is purchased from the Microsoft Marketplace. ​It installs automatically into the organization's M365 environment.


How much does DeliwiAI cost?

It’s a SaaS solution that is billed monthly. Price starts from $ 290/month/organization.

Organization size (M365 seats)


< 250 seats
$ 290
251 – 1 000 seats
$ 690
1001 – 5 000 seats
5001 – 10 000 seats
10 001 > seats
$ 2490
$ 1790
$ 990

Fees are preliminary and are subject to change prior to the launch of the product.