Azure subscription cannot be trial version of any kind.
First, the managed application is installed to your Azure subscription.
Second, the software packages are deployed to Azure applications and Entra ID applications are created.
Finally, Entra ID applications must be consented for the whole organization and installation is finalized in the DeliwiAi user interface.
In the final stage of technical installation, individuals from departments such as HR are invited to service, who will execute the launch of DeliwiAI to your organization's staff.
The technical installation process will take 1-2h, depending on Azure resource creation speeds. If there are any issues in the installation process, please send mail to
Installation steps in the marketplace are quite straightforward. Marketplace interface asks for following information:
After accepting all legal obligations, Azure resources start to deploy and after deployment, software will be installed to these resources.
There are 6 different plans (Tier). Select a plan based on the number ofpersonnel in your organization.
Subscription* = Automatically from system
Resource group* = Name for the managed application. It is recommended to create a new resource group for this
Region* = Where DeliwiAI resources will be installed
Adminemail* = Admin’s email address to receiveinstallation completion mail
Custom domain name = The readable URL-name for deliwiai-app (CustomDomainName)*
Application name* = Name of the managed application resource. It is recommended to use “DeliwiAI”
Managed Resource Group* = The resource group name for Managed Resource Group. DeliwiAI application resources will be deployed here and DeliwiAI administrators will be given admin rights to these resources. It is recommended to leave this as default.
Name: Automatically filled for default admin account
Preferred e-mail address: Automatically filled for default admin account
Preferred phone number: Can leave empty
Note: Name and email are only used for Microsoft legal purposes.
You also give consent Co-Admin Access to created resource groups.
Managed application is created to the resource group specified in section 2. A Separate resource group for DeliwiAI is created and Azure resources are provisioned there. This usually takes 20-40 minutes. After resource provisioning is completed, software packages are deployed. Do note that currently it is not possible to see software deployment progress. Software deployment takes around 30-40 minutes.
After installation is completely done, an email with Entra ID consent links will be sent to the email provided in section 2 (admin email).
In the completion email, there are two links. The first link is for accepting consents for API. After accepting all company wide consents, the process will direct the user to the DeliwiAI application where UI related consents must be accepted. Afterwards the user is directed to a setup page.
The second link is just an pointer to the setup page if the setup process must be postponed after accepting API and UI consents.
The installer will prompt Teamsbot installation. This action requires that the installer has administrator rights to the administrator rights to Teams Admin Center*
Congratulations - the technical installation of DeliwiAI is now 99% complete!
As the final step, invite the person or people responsible for launching and daily operations of the DeliwiAI service. Typically, these individuals are from HR, communications, or business operations.
Enter their email addresses in the field provided. They will automatically receive an invitation to the service and can begin using it. It is advisable to include also your own (technical admin) email address in the group of invitees.
*After the installation is done, teamsbot can be found in the Admin Center by searching for “Deliwi” in Manage Apps –section.